Thursday, 24 November 2016

Script (second draft)

Scene 1-
This is the introduction scene in which it is Halloween night, around 8pm and it is dark. The street lights are the only element of light present, the three boys are initially together; Sam, Aaron and Jayden and are awaiting the fourth character Josh. 

Opening scene- Helicopter drone tracks the road bringing attention towards the house to set the scene of the location. Alongside the tracking will be a parallel sound of a horror soundtrack to add fear to the scene.
The scene then cuts into 3 of the boys Sam, Aaron and Jayden.

Aaron- Wonder why Josh is being so long?
Sam- Well I rang him but…
Jayden- (interrupts the others) Oh well, He knows we are meeting up.
Josh appears shortly after out of nowhere and jump scares the boys
Editing and sound will be used here to put the audience at edge

Scene 2-
At this point the four boys are together, they are traveling down the road in which they others out trick or treating and they laugh and make jokes about them. As they approach the bottom of the road they identify a house that has been edged off by police tape in which previous murders have occurred although the boys don’t know this. Before entering the boys make a video of the house in which picks up a shot of the boy in the window although at the time the boys are unable to see this.

Jayden- Sam I dare you to go into the house?
Sam- (nervously looks at Josh)
Josh- There is tape for a reason, I say we don’t go in
Jayden- Shut up Josh, come on Sam, your always telling me you are not scared
Sam- I’m not scared, I’ll go in (says confidently)

Scene 3-
At this point the boys have ripped apart the tape, they open the door as it is not locked.
Sam opens the door
As the door opens a diegetic bang comes from within the house
Sam- What was that!
Josh- Told you we shouldn’t be here
Jayden- Nothing, its Halloween, we aren’t the only ones messing around, let’s just carry on

Scene 4-
At this point the four boys have entered the house. They find everything weird as the house has an unusual feel about it causes the boys to be on edge until only Sam hears a noise upstairs, and the noise causes him to go up the stairs. The boys follow as they are intrigued with what may lay upstairs and scared to be left alone. The boys then travel up the stairs.

Aaron- is it me or does this house give you a weird feeling?
Sam- Something isn’t right is it?
Jayden spots a person in the garden which looks like a kid although he believes it is his imagination (There is going to be a side shot of Jayden spotting something in the garden)
Jayden- Wait...Did you just seen that in the garden?
Sam- No? what you on about? (Sam has a confused face on him) Let’s go upstairs

The boys follow Sam upstairs

Scene 5-
The four boys travel upstairs, Sam enters room alone in which the others look around and find some weird items unusual to the 21st century. Then Sam shouts the other boys and finds Sam looking into the corner of the room although the others are unable to see what Sam sees.

In this scene sound will be edited in of doors banging and loud sounds and loud screams. 

Jayden- lets go in this room, some weird stuff yeah?
Sam continues on himself weirdly to the other room
The other boys see this and follow
Aaron- What you staring at Sam?
Sam- (nervously points), don’t you see that? (soft voice) 
(Over the shoulder shot of Sam spotting a kid in the window)
Jayden- What the hell you on about now you wimp!

Scene 6- 
The boys decide to leave the house and realise that they have to go back into the house to get Sam’s locket, the others believe this is a joke and Sam didn’t see anything, Sam pulls out the video they took before they enter the house and see it, the child stood in the window.

Jayden – Allow it lads let’s not go in lets go home. (says nervously)
(Other three boys are shocked as Jayden is supposed to be the leader of the group)
Josh – Sam, don’t worry we’ll go in and get it and get back out straight away.
(Parallel sound will be used to build up tension)
Aaron – That boy must be playing about, look its Halloween, he’s probably just messing us around! Jayden stop being so scared!
Sam – Aarons got a point, let’s go I need that locket it’s been passed on to me, I can’t lose it!
Boys start to enter the house. The camera zooms out and diegetic sound (wind) will be introduced here to show a start of something creepy.

Scene 7 – 
Sam will lead the group (first time we see this in the film). He will be the only person who goes into the room at first. Sam returns to the room in which he finds his locket open and the possessed kid is holding it. (Door shuts by itself). Sam tries to escape however, at this point the entity enters Sam’s body.
Camera will be zoomed into the kids hand where he is messing with the lock. Camera is zoomed out to scare the audience.
Sam enters the room

Sam – (Screams) who are you?!
The kid faces the locket towards Sam
Sam will kneel on the ground as he becomes possessed. The locket will be closed by the boy. (Exaggerated sound will be used to scare the audience; swinging doors.)
Jayden, Aaron, Josh – (All scream as they realise his friend is possessed and not who he is) LOOK RUN!! – Shot reverse shot will be used to show the facial expressions on the characters.

Scene 8 –
 The three boys try to escape however, each doors slams by itself, only one door appears open. Sam who is now possessed appears in the open room waiting to for the boys, the camera cuts at Sam edging towards the boys.
All three boys run – They escape into the back room

Josh - Think it’s ok here (out of breath)
Jayden – Let me kick down the door. HELP AARON!
Point of view shot used here to make the audience feel relieved. 
Aaron – Drops to the floor as he possessed by Sam.
Jayden and Josh – (Takes a gasp) NO! (loud shouting of the boys saying no)
A long shot is used to show the portrayal of Sam.
The film cuts out as Sam laughs.

Scene 9 –
 Fade is used – A black screen appears where a brief summary will show what has happened to the boys. “To this day the four boys were never found and the locket remains lost”. 

Monday, 14 November 2016

Film Schedule (first draft)

This is a film schedule that was created on Microsoft Word. Our group will try and go by this schedule, however there may be a few set backs where we have to change the schedule a little. However it explains the times that each scene will be filmed. We have chosen times such as 4.30pm as it gets dark around that time, and we need a low key setting for this horror movie.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Script (First Draft)

Scene 1-
This is the introduction scene in which it is Halloween night, around 8pm and it is dark. The street lights are the only element of light present, the three boys are initially together; Sam, Aaron and Jayden and are awaiting the fourth character Josh. While waiting for josh the three boys have a discussion on Sam’s locket.
Opening scene- Helicopter drone tracks the road bringing attention towards the house to set the scene of the location. Alongside the tracking will be a parallel sound of a horror soundtrack to add fear to the scene.
The scene then cuts into 3 of the boys Sam, Aaron and Jayden.
Aaron- Wonder why Josh is being so long?
Sam- Well I rang him but…
Jayden-(interrupts the others) Oh well, He knows we are meeting up.
Josh appears shortly after out of nowhere and jump scares the boys
Editing and sound will be used here to put the audience at edge

Scene 2-
At this point the four boys are together, they are traveling down the road in which they others out trickle treating and they laugh and make jokes about them. As they approach the bottom of the road they identify a house that has been edged off by police tape in which previous murders have occurred although the boys don’t know this. Before entering the boys make a video of the house in which picks up a shot of the boy in the window although at the time the boys are unable to see this.
Jayden- Sam I dare you to go into the house?
Sam-(nervously looks at Josh)
Josh- There is tape for a reason, I say we don’t go in
Jayden- Shut up Josh, come on Sam, your always telling me you are not scared
Sam- I’m not scared, I’ll go in (says confidently)

Scene 3-
At this point the boys have ripped apart the tape, they open the door as it is not locked.
Sam opens the door
As the door opens a diegetic bang comes from within the house
Sam- What was that!
Josh- Told you we shouldn’t be here
Jayden- Nothing, its Halloween, we aren’t the only ones messing around, let’s just carry on

Scene 4-
At this point the four boys have entered the house, the boys initially explore downstairs, they find everything weird as the house has an unusual feel about it causes the boys to be on edge until only Sam hears a noise upstairs, and the noise causes him to go up the stairs. The boys follow as they are intrigued with what may lay upstairs and scared to be left alone. The boys then travel up the stairs.
Aaron- is it me or does this house give you a weird feeling?
Sam- Something isn’t right is it?
Jayden spots something in the garden which looks like a kid although he believes it is his imagination
Jayden- Did you see that! Right there in the garden
Sam- No? Let’s go upstairs
The boys follow Sam upstairs

Scene 5-
The four boys travel upstairs, Sam enters room alone in which the others look around and find some weird items unusual to the 21st century. Then Sam shouts the other boys and finds Sam looking into the corner of the room although the others are unable to see what Sam sees. Sam’slocket is then pulled by an invisible entity in which Sam struggles to regain control of and of which his locket is ripped of his neck and dropped to the floor. At this point the room begins to shake leading to the others running, followed by the slamming of the doors, the boys leave and leave the locket.
Jayden- lets go in this room, some weird stuff yeah?
Sam continues on himself weirdly to the other room
The other boys see this and follow
Aaron- What you staring at Sam?
Sam- nervously points, don’t you see that?
Jayden- What the hell you on about now you wimp!
Sam’s locket is dragged off his neck in which he tries to grab however at this point, the room gives the impression that the boys should leave and they don’t return.

Scene 6- 
The boys go outside and realise that they have to go back into the house to get Sam’s locket, the others believe this is a joke and Sam didn’t see anything, Sam pulls out the video they took before they enter the house and see it, the child stood in the window.
Jayden – Allow it lads let’s not go in lets go home. (says nervously)
(Other three boys are shocked as Jayden is supposed to be the leader of the group)
Josh – Sam, don’t worry we’ll go in and get it and get back out straight away.
(Parallel sound will be used to build up tension)
Aaron – That boy must be playing about, look its Halloween, he’s probably just messing us around! Jayden stop being so scared!
Sam – Aarons got a point, let’s go I need that locket it’s been passed on to me, I can’t lose it!
Boys start to enter the house. The camera zooms out and digetic sound (wind) will be introduced here to show a start of something   creepy.

Scene 7 – 
Sam will lead the group (first time we see this in the film). He will be the only person who goes into the room at first. Sam returns to the room in which he finds his locket open and the possessed kid is holding it. (Door shuts by itself). Sam tries to escape however, at this point the entity enters Sam’s body.
Camera will be zoomed into the kids hand where he is messing with the lock. Camera is zoomed out to scare the audience.
Sam enters the room
Sam – (Screams) who are you?!
The kid faces the locket towards Sam
Sam will kneel on the ground as he becomes possessed. The locket will be closed by the boy. (Exaggerated sound will be used to scare the audience; Light bulbs will be dropped, swinging doors.)
Jayden, Aaron, Josh – (All scream as they realise his friend is possessed and not who he is) LOOK RUN!! – Shot reverse shot will be used to show the facial expressions on the characters.

Scene 8 –
 The three boys try to escape however, each doors slam by itself, light bulbs fuse, only one door appears open. Sam who is now possessed appears in the open room waiting to for the boys, the camera cuts at Sam edging towards the boys.
All three boys run – They escape into the back room
Josh - Think it’s ok here
Jayden – Let me kick down the door. Help Aaron?
Pont of view shot used here to make the audience feel relieved. 
Aaron – Drops to the floor as he possessed by Sam.
Jayden and Josh – (Takes a gasp) NO!
The two boys are also murdered by Sam.
A long shot is used to show the portrayal of Sam.
The film cuts out as Sam laughs.

Scene 9 –
 Fade is used – A black screen appears where a brief summary will show what has happened to the boys. “To this day the four boys were never found and the locket remains lost”. 

Thursday, 27 October 2016


I created this storyboard using the website 'Storyboard That'
Most of the camera work that is going to be used will be a point of view shot. This will be because we want the audience to see what the main character is seeing, also it will help to build up the tension of the audience and also make them feel like they are also experiencing what is going on in the film.
In the scenes when they are in the house, the sounds that will be used will be sounds of loud bangs, ghostly wind noises. However, we are not going to make it over the top with the sound as we want to make the film seem as real as possible.
The transition between the scenes will be smooth, as we do not want any jump cuts which will make the film look like it has not been edited properly.
Throughout the whole film there will be low key lighting, as this will make the perfect setting for the horror film and also make the audience feel like anything could jump out from the dark, at any time in the movie.
The location of the film will be in a house where the film will be shot will be in Handsworth, opposite a park.
The props that we will need that will be shown in the film will be a locket, fake blood and police tape. 

Audience Research

The ages of the audience varied from 15-31. I decided to start the age at 15 as horror film age certificates start at the age of 15. I found out that the ages 19-22 was the most popular age for watching horror movies. 

Female and male were both 50/50, therefore the film that we create will be directed at both female and male.

Most horror films state that they are based on true events, this is what makes the horror film scarier as it makes the audience think that the way the film portrays the event is the way it actually happened. Therefore, I believe that the horror film that we are going to create should be based on a true event. 

The audience research showed me that they do not watch horror movies every week, they stated that they really watch horror movies when they get the time, or try and fit in a horror movie when they possibly can. 

Paranormal and psychological films appeared to be the most popular movie that the audience liked to watch. Therefore, the film that we are going to steer towards will be paranormal or psychological. 

It is obvious that people love to have horror movies released on the event of Halloween. This would be because Halloween is a 'devilish' day where evil lurks around the corner. 

Location plays a big part in a horror movie as this would set the scene. An abandoned house was the most voted for location. Therefore, in the film that our group is going to shoot will be in an abandoned house. 

There was not a particular sound that would make a horror movie scary. All of the options I had given for the horror movie would make the film a scary film. Therefore, from this we have chosen to use the sounds in the horror movie. 

Most people did not like to watch horror films by themselves or parents, it was voted that they would like to watch horror movies with people who are around the same age as them, such as friends and also around people who they can have a laugh and a joke with such as siblings.

Location and props of the film

Film idea 1:
- Abandoned house - An abandoned house would be a good idea as from the audience research, it was apparent that the house was the most popular. Also, an abandoned house is where someone was living, so the house would have a sort of history and story behind the house.
- Graveyard  - A graveyard is also a very good location as this is where people are obviously buried, and also the graveyard is always eerie and feels like something is seriously wrong, especially when it is a dark night.
On the festival of Halloween.

- A locket that the boy wears 

- An abandoned house
- Mobile phone
- Camera 
- Torch

The horror film will be based around the locket that the boy has lost, and this is when the boy and his friends have to go back to the abandoned house to go and pick up the locket.

Film idea 2:

- Woods - Woods is also a good place to have a horror movie as the audience will not know what is around and in the woods. Anything could be leering in the woods, and the audience are not aware of this.
When a group of boys go on an expedition (Duke of Edinburgh)


- Mobile phone
- Tent
- Torch 
- Knife
- Fake blood 

The horror film will be based in the words where the boys will go on an expedition, however the boys split up and that is when they discover there is a maniac murderer about.

Character Profiles

Film Idea 2

The second film idea is that there are 4 teenager boys who go on an expedition called Duke Of Edinburgh where the boys have to camp.
As night falls, the boys set up their tent and are all in the tent and decide to play truth or dare.
One of the teenage boys is dared to go into a part of the woods where the teachers have specifically said that it is out of bounds.
However, one of the boys has been dared to go by himself to that part of the woods. Time goes on and the boys are starting to get very worried that the boy who was dared has not come back to the tent.
The boys decide to go and see what if they can find the boy who has been missing for a while, however while they are trying to find the boy, they notice that they see a body hanging from a tree. As they see this, they try to get their phones out but realise that there is no reception coming through onto their phones.
The boys begin to heard noises and unwillingly begin to run deeper into the woods thinking that they are running out. All boys head their own way, losing all sense of directions.
As this is going on, there is a masked man chasing the boys killing them as they are trying to run out of the woods.
One of the boys sigh with relief as he reaches his tent, as he quickly gets in his tent, he notices that there is a shadow. The boy in the tent is murdered by this 'shadow' and the film ends on a cliff hanger.

Film Ideas 1

The first film idea that our group has come up with is includes teenagers who enter an abandoned house, however one of the boys leaves his locket.
We are planning on using the setting of a house on the day of Halloween where the boys come across an abandoned house.
As these 4 teenagers are willing to do anything which is scary as it is Halloween, they decide to enter the abandoned house. The boys begin to use Snapchat which is social media to show all their friends what they are doing.
The boys enter the house and begin explore around, however they have this weird feeling that something bad is in this house and they should not be in the house.
The boys then come into a room where they see that there is a boy in the corner of the room dressed in 'old fashioned' clothes. The boys find this very strange, and they begin to hear weird sounds such and bangs, so the boys decide to run off.
However, as the boys run off Sam who is one of the characters drops his locket. This locket has great significance to Sam as it was passed down by his grandparents, and passed down in the family.
However, the 3 boys Jayden, Craig and Aaron insist that they forget the locket and come back tomorrow to get it.
The boys decide to view their 'snapstory' where they uploaded what they had done on the day Halloween and see that there is a boy standing in the window with no movement. The 4 teenagers disregard this and still decide to go back to the house to get Sam's locket.
However, as they go back, Sam sees that his locket has been opened and left on the floor. There is a standstill for 2 seconds and then thats when the film starts to show that Sam has been possessed. As Sam is possessed, you can see that there is the little boy standing behind him and the film ends. The end credits states that the boys were never to be found after that day and the locket is still there twirling by itself,

Group Roles

Rajveer Sanghara - Mise en scene
Amandeep Mattu - Camera work
Kirat Chahal - Editing
Ranita Shemar - Sound

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Horror film questionnaire

Create your own user feedback survey

Friday, 23 September 2016

Doll Face - Short Horror Film Analysis

The shot has been taken like this in order to show the audience that the Doll Face woman is chasing the girlfriend. However, the camera shot gives the feeling that there is something bad going on, and the girlfriend's world is going to be turned upside down. It is necessary that this shot is used as the lighting in this scene is quite low and it is important that the audience can see what is going, without being confused on where the scene is set. 
The shot of the Doll Face woman is a close up medium shot. This is used to emphasise the smile on the Doll Face's face. However, the smile is not the average smile that you would expect, however the smile that is being portrayed is a sinister smile. The low key lighting around the woman suggests that there is some sort of dark and sinister story behind the reason to why the woman became the 'Doll Face',

The shutter is half down, which may suggest that there is something wrong going on in the shop, however the shop is going closing which means that no activity should be going on in the shop. However, as the shutter's are half down, it will invite the girlfriend to want to enter as it suggests that the girlfriend needs to go inside and 'investigate' what is going on.

Overview of Doll face

The film Doll Face is set on the day of Halloween, where a woman who has come knocking on a couple's front door for trick or treating. However, the woman leaves her bag on the doorstep. The husband/boyfriend decides to take the bag back to the address, the address was found on some ID that was left in the bag. However, a few hours pass and the girlfriend/wife becomes very worried that the her partner is not back after a couple of hours.
Once the girlfriend find the address, she notices that it is a shop and walks in to find that there is an old woman who is threatening to phone the police as she feels as the girlfriend has come to the shop to cause harm.
As the girlfriend sits down, she realises that there is a chess piece that is on the floor, the chess piece that her partner accidentally took with him.
Once the female partner picks up the chess piece, she hears her boyfriend shouts and scream for help, the girlfriend begins to follow the sound and realises that it is just a tape recording, but to her surprise, she finds that her boyfriend is dead.
The girlfriend also finds that is a girl who is locked up in a prison cell, shouting and warning her to get the keys as she is going to get killed.
The girlfriend then releases the woman who was locked up, and then the chase begins. The 'Doll Face' woman tries to warn the girlfriend that she should not run with the woman who was locked up. However, the girlfriend does not listen and tries to escape.
The woman who was locked up then comes across the old woman who had opened the door for the girlfriend in the beginning, and kills her.
The woman who was locked up tells the girlfriend that she was locked up because she was 'naughty'. The girlfriend is scared about what is going on, but out of nowhere, the Doll Face woman comes out of nowhere and stabs the woman who was locked up.
The film then ends with the Doll Face woman giving the girlfriend an 'big and friendly' smile.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Overview of Ding Dong

The short horror film Ding Dong is about a girl who is at her apartment all alone and she is fast asleep on the sofa. However, the girl who is asleep is woken up by the sound of her doorbell ringing. The girl wakes up from her sleep and walks over to the door, however when the girl looks through the door peep hole she cannot see anything standing outside her door.
As the girl walks away from the door, the doorbell constantly begins to ring, and ring, however when the girl looks out of the door peep hole she does not see anyone or anything at the door.
This frightens the girl, so the girl starts to walk back. As the girl is walking back from the door she realises that there is something standing behind her.
The girl turns around to see that there are some hands reaching out towards her, as soon as this scene happens, the film ends on a cliff hanger as we do not know what happened next to the girl.

Ding Dong - Short Horror Film Analysis

The mise en scene of this film is of a teenage girl laying down on a sofa with low key lighting been shown which may portray that something will be going on sinister, but also low key lighting would be needed for this scene as the girl is asleep. If the lighting was high then it would not make sense as the teenage girl is asleep.

The reason why the camera used this shot and angle was because it could give the audience an insight to what the girl is seeing and to show that when the teenage girl looks out she cannot see anyone. It also gives the feeling that the audience are in the situation that the girl is in. 

This shot also tells the audience that there is no one around, which means if there is someone or something out there then she is helpless. 
By this scene, the teenage girl portrays that she is helpless and she is terrified if anything does come into the apartment that she is living in. Therefore, she puts on the locks to make sure that she is safe and it always could mean that she wants to make noise to let the person outside the door know that someone is inside. 

The facial expression that the girl has used is a look of looking confused, scared and worried about what might be outside the door.

Overview of Clickbait

The film Clickbait is based in an apartment where a woman lives by herself. It has been set in the season of Autumn the festival of Halloween as you can see that behind the woman is decorations of little pumpkins.
The film is about a woman who goes onto the internet to read up on some true horror stories, however some weird things begin to happen, she hears noises and realises that her computer has just crashed on her. While the computer crashes on her, she notices that her webcam enables itself, as she tried to figure out what is going on, she notices that the room's light behind her comes on.
As the woman walks over to see if there is anyone in the room, she realises that there is nothing actually in the room.
While walking back to computer the webcam picks up that there is something behind her, a girl. However, as the room has already got very low key lighting she cannot see anything.
Once she notices that there is someone or something in front of her, the film ends. The film ends on a cliffhanger so we dont actually know what happens after the film finishes.

Clickbait - Short horror movie analysis

A point of the shot and birds eye angle would have been used to let the audience experience what the actress in the short horror movie would be seeing, It would also make the audience feel like they are going through the situation themselves.
Red has been used for the word 'enabled' to show that the fact that the webcam has come on automatically suggests that something bad is going to happen. The colour red also gives the connotations of blood, devil and anger.
You can that in there background you can see that there is decor to show that it is Halloween as there are little light lanterns which are little pumpkins. This could also be the reason why the producers and directors decided that they wanted to go with this story line and choose the low key lighting. 

The low key lighting shows that there is that something is lurking in the dark and that something may even jump out on the women while she is trying to figure out what is going on behind her, and if there is anything or anyone out to get her.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Conventions of Horror Movies presentation

This is a presentation that I have created on Prezi. This presentation explores how different ways are used to make a horror movies.


My name's Ranita Shemar and I attend Hamstead Hall Sixth form. My chosen A-level subjects are Media Studies, Health and Social Care and RE.
For my Media A2 project, I will be creating a horror movie. This will be the first time that I will be creating a horror movie and I will gain a lot of experience and learn many new things from this project.
I will be producing a horror film poster, a double page spread of the review of the film and also the actual horror movie itself.
In order to make this project successful I will have to do a lot of research to understand what I need to include in the horror movie, poster and the double page spread.
In this project, I will be watching many existing horror films and short horror films to see what kind of conventions are used to make the horror movie successful and I will also be analysing different types of horror film posters, trailers and double page spreads.