Monday, 14 November 2016

Film Schedule (first draft)

This is a film schedule that was created on Microsoft Word. Our group will try and go by this schedule, however there may be a few set backs where we have to change the schedule a little. However it explains the times that each scene will be filmed. We have chosen times such as 4.30pm as it gets dark around that time, and we need a low key setting for this horror movie.

1 comment:

  1. Can you organise your scenes into a clearer layout? It is difficult to establish where scenes begin and end.

    It is good that you have considered filming over a few days as you will often feel that scenes may need to be re-filmed.

    Have you considered adding any extra time to your allocated days for rehearsals and in case of delays?

    Take into account that you may need to collate your ideas within lesson time, evaluate your current footage and possibly re-film specific scenes. This needs to be thought about whilst filming your first draft.

    Be careful not to just reiterate the script. You need to consider what, who, when and where for each scene. A list of key things you need to prepare ready to be able to film each scene.
