Friday, 23 September 2016

Doll Face - Short Horror Film Analysis

The shot has been taken like this in order to show the audience that the Doll Face woman is chasing the girlfriend. However, the camera shot gives the feeling that there is something bad going on, and the girlfriend's world is going to be turned upside down. It is necessary that this shot is used as the lighting in this scene is quite low and it is important that the audience can see what is going, without being confused on where the scene is set. 
The shot of the Doll Face woman is a close up medium shot. This is used to emphasise the smile on the Doll Face's face. However, the smile is not the average smile that you would expect, however the smile that is being portrayed is a sinister smile. The low key lighting around the woman suggests that there is some sort of dark and sinister story behind the reason to why the woman became the 'Doll Face',

The shutter is half down, which may suggest that there is something wrong going on in the shop, however the shop is going closing which means that no activity should be going on in the shop. However, as the shutter's are half down, it will invite the girlfriend to want to enter as it suggests that the girlfriend needs to go inside and 'investigate' what is going on.

1 comment:

  1. Rainta, you need to include an overview of the film - including details of the plot, key characters, settings and production information.
    In terms of your analysis, you make some insightful points, but at times it is generic and needs more examination.
    You state that the 'vertical shot shows you all of the goings on' - can you be more specific - what exactly does it show you and why is this necessary?
    In the second shot analysis, you state that low key lighting is used - but why? What effect does this create? You also state that you see the doll's face - could you be more specific and state which particular angle/shot is used to show her face and why?
    You state that the doll face is being sexualised - great point - but why?
    You state in the third section that 'there is a long shot of the shop' - why? Consider what the director is trying to show you? What position is he/she trying to put you in? Why?
    'The filler light can be seen' - why?
    There is a reason for everything! Try not to just identify features - always ask yourself the question - why?
    Why are the shutters only half down? What is being suggested?
    You also need to include an evaluation - is this film successful? What is successful about it? Are there any features that you may consider using in your own film?
